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发布时间:2020-01-14 23:42:53 阅读: 来源:磁卡厂家

元器件交易网讯 7月11日消息,市场研究公司Gartner今天发布了2013年第二季度个人电脑出货量的初步计算,发现全球电脑出货量比去年同期下降了11%,超过去年同期水平,电脑出货量连续第五个季度下降。根据Gartner的数据,美国市场在全球市场中有着明显的优势,但仍下跌1.4%。 Gartner公司认为PC出货量下降主要是因为平板电脑的强劲增长。


Gartner首席分析师北川美佳子(Mikako Kitagawa)说:“我们看到PC市场的减少直接关系到电脑安装萎缩,廉价的平板电脑取代低端机,主要用于成熟和发达的消费市场,而在新兴市场,对于许多用户来说,物美价廉的平板电脑已经成为首选设备。这也让迷你笔记本市场失去竞争力。”



苹果没有被列在Gartner的全球五大厂商范围内,华硕以6.0%的市场份额排在第五位。所有全球五大厂商都看到出货量同比下降,虽然联想下降幅度最小,只有0.6%,惠普跌幅达4.8%。(元器件交易网郭路平 译)


U.S. PC Shipments Continue to Slide in 2Q13 as Apple Lags Overall Market

Wednesday July 10, 2013 1:41 pm PDT by Eric Slivka

Research firm Gartner today released its preliminary calculations of PC shipments for the second quarter of 2013, finding that worldwide shipments fell by 11% over the year-ago quarter, the fifth straight quarter of year-over-year declines. According to Gartner"s numbers, the U.S. market held up significantly better than the global market, but still declined by 1.4%. Gartner continues to attribute the declines in the PC market to strong growth in tablets.

“We are seeing the PC market reduction directly tied to the shrinking installed base of PCs, as inexpensive tablets displace the low-end machines used primarily for consumption in mature and developed markets,” said Mikako Kitagawa, principal analyst at Gartner. “In emerging markets, inexpensive tablets have become the first computing device for many people, who at best are deferring the purchase of a PC. This is also accounting for the collapse of the mini notebook market.”

Gartner"s number show Apple underperforming the overall industry in the United States, with the Mac maker posting a 4.3% decline in shipments compared to the 1.4% decline in the overall market. Apple was able to hold on to its third-place ranking in the U.S. market behind HP and Dell, although fourth-place Lenovo is closing quickly on Apple, driven by nearly 20% year-over-year growth in the U.S.

Apple does not rank on Gartner"s list of top five vendors on a worldwide basis, with Asus holding down the bottom spot at 6.0% of the market. All of the top five worldwide vendors saw year-over-year shipment declines, although Lenovo"s minimal 0.6% drop allowed it to take the worldwide crown from HP, which experienced a 4.8% decline.



